Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

//Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Types of Lines

While parallel and perpendicular lines will be the primary focus of this chapter, there are other types of lines. Use the Types of Lines Foldable to distinguish between them.

Types of Lines Foldable 3 pages

Types of LInes Foldable

Types of Angles

When two lines are cut by a transversal, there are special names for the angles formed by the transversal and the lines. Use the Angles Formed by Transversal Foldable to master the vocabulary.

Angles formed by a transversal

Angles formed by a transversal

Pairs of Lines and Angles Section 3.1 notes

Parallel Lines and Transversals

Exploring Parallel Lines and a Transversal

Have students use Geogebra to construct two parallel lines and a traversal. They then identify and measure corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior, and consecutive interior angles and make conjectures.

Exploring Parallel Lines and a Transversal download.



Alternate Exploration

Use the Geogebra activity below to explore the relationships between the special angles above when the lines that are cut by the transversal are parallel.

parallel lines cut by a transversal

Parallel Lines and Transversals Section 3.2notes

Proving Lines are Parallel

Proofs with Parallel Lines Section 3.3notes

Proofs with Perpendicular Lines

The Geogebra activity below helps underscore the fact that the distance from a point to a line is the length of the perpendicular segment from the point to the line.

Lesson 3-4 notes and worksheet

In class examples Proofs with Perpendicular Lines Lesson 3-4notes

Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Exploring Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Geogebra Activity will be used to learn how the slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines are related.


Exploring Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Pencil Paper Activity will be used to learn how the slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines are related for those who don’t want to use technology.


The All About Slope Foldable can help you calculate slope given two points, find an equation in slope y-intercept form, use point slope form to find equations, and includes the relationships between parallel and perpendicular lines and their slopes.

all about slope foldable thumbnail

When the inside is complete it will look similar to this.

All About Slope Foldable

A shout out to Mr. Fjelstrom for his Mr. Slope inspiration.

Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Lesson 3-5 notes day 2

Equations of Lines (3-5) ws

Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Lesson 3-5 notes day 3

By | 2021-11-01T18:41:27+00:00 October 5th, 2016|Geometry|2 Comments

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  1. Breeze December 17, 2018 at 11:16 am - Reply

    Hi Stacie,
    Thanks so much for the wonderful website! Could you give me some more information on how to fold the Angles Formed by a Transversal Foldable? I am confused on how it fits and folds together.

    • Stacie Bender December 29, 2018 at 8:36 am - Reply

      Absolutely! Copy the pages (1 and 2 if they aren’t filling them out or 2 and 3 if they are) back to back. Orient the paper so the words “Two angles are Corresponding angles when…” are in the top left corner. Fold top down and bottom up so they meet in the middle. If your students choose to, they can cut a slit vertically in the middle up and down so they can lift the flap of each type of angle pair separately, but my students don’t usually head over to grab a pair of scissors. I hope this helps!

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