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    Geometry Week of April 6 -10 2020

    By | April 5th, 2020|Categories: Geometry|Tags: , , , |

    Here are the geometry assignments for the week of April 6– April 10, 2020 and a suggested pacing guide.  Monday: 45-45-90 Triangles   - video Tuesday: 30-60-90 Triangles  Wednesday: Week 2 Challenge  Thursday: Quizizz - Click the link - https://quizizz.com/join?gc=373758 (or go to joinmyquiz.com and enter the code 373758) Make sure your username [...]

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    Precalculus Week of 4/6/2020-4/10/2020

    By | April 5th, 2020|Categories: PreCalculus|Tags: , , , |

    Feel free to work at the suggested pace below or at your own pace provided you complete all assignments by 11:59 PM Sunday.  Monday:   Optional but recommended assignment – visit student.desmos.com and type the code in for your [...]