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      Honors precalculus week of May 4 – May 8

      By | May 4th, 2020|Categories: PreCalculus, Uncategorized|Tags: , |

      Honors precalculus assignments for the week of May 4 – May 8, 2020.   Feel free to work at the suggested pace below or at your own pace provided you complete all assignments by 11:59 PM [...]

      Geometry week of May 4th – May 10th, 2020

      By | May 4th, 2020|Categories: Geometry|Tags: , , , |

      Here are the geometry assignments for the week of May 4th – May 10th, 2020.  Monday:   Watch the video at https://youtu.be/dyoyJB6Ihic and take notes on the notes sheet. Do the Arc Length assignment.  When you’re finished, take the homework Quizizz at quizizz.com/join?gc=783139. Tuesday:     Join me for the Zoom [...]

        Geometry assignments for the week of April 27 – May 1

        By | April 27th, 2020|Categories: Geometry|Tags: , |

        Here are the geometry assignments for the week of April 27 – May 1, 2020.  Monday:   Try the Circles Exploration. If you get stuck, watch the video at https://youtu.be/VWOX7xoKBNU. And take notes on the Circles Exploration sheet.  Tuesday:     Do the Circles in a Coordinate Plane worksheet.   Submit answers [...]