special right triangles

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Special Right Triangles

Special Right Triangles Two special right triangles appear in upper levels of mathematics and in construction. In this investigation you can learn how to find the lengths of the sides of isosceles right triangles and 30-60-90 right triangles using short cuts. Special Right Triangles Investigation

By | 2017-11-13T22:01:56+00:00 March 8th, 2016|Algebra II, Geometry|0 Comments


The start of the second semester has me teaching both Algebra II and Pre-Calculus trigonometry simultaneously. My initial plan is to post material for both classes here. It it becomes confusing or too cumbersome, I'll split the two classes. Algebra II Right Triangle Trigonometry A foldable on trig concepts seems in order given the amount [...]

By | 2017-11-13T22:01:57+00:00 January 1st, 2016|Algebra II, PreCalculus|0 Comments