

Evolution of a Lesson

I've made numerous attempts at helping my geometry students understand the connections between scale factor, perimeter, and area of a polygon. My first attempt was an exploration. I wasn't pleased with the results. It was too challenging for my students who were not confident in calculating area and perimeter. Then I tried extending it by [...]

By | 2023-04-07T07:56:50+00:00 December 31st, 2020|Geometry|0 Comments

Geometry week of May 4th – May 10th, 2020

Here are the geometry assignments for the week of May 4th – May 10th, 2020.  Monday:   Watch the video at and take notes on the notes sheet. Do the Arc Length assignment.  When you’re finished, take the homework Quizizz at Tuesday:     Join me for the Zoom meeting  Wednesday:   Watch the video at  And take notes on the notes sheet. Do the Area of Sectors assignment.  Then enter your answers and check your [...]

By | 2020-05-04T08:01:53+00:00 May 4th, 2020|Geometry|0 Comments

Geometry assignments for the week of April 27 – May 1

Here are the geometry assignments for the week of April 27 – May 1, 2020.  Monday:   Try the Circles Exploration. If you get stuck, watch the video at And take notes on the Circles Exploration sheet.  Tuesday:     Do the Circles in a Coordinate Plane worksheet.   Submit answers on this quizizz or go to and type code 552413 and email your work to me.  Wednesday:   Watch the video at and do the Area [...]

By | 2020-04-28T11:19:24+00:00 April 27th, 2020|Geometry|0 Comments

Geometry Week of April 13 -17, 2020

Here are the geometry assignments for the week of April 13 – April 17, 2020.  Tuesday:  Trig - Solving for Sides.   You've seen this before break. Take out your notes and refresh your memory. Watch the video at Take notes – notes sheet  Do the worksheet Trig (Solving Sides). Set up equations and show your work.  Submit answers on this quizizz and email your work [...]

By | 2020-04-13T09:28:37+00:00 April 13th, 2020|Geometry|0 Comments

Geometry Week of April 6 -10 2020

Here are the geometry assignments for the week of April 6– April 10, 2020 and a suggested pacing guide.  Monday: 45-45-90 Triangles   - video Tuesday: 30-60-90 Triangles  Wednesday: Week 2 Challenge  Thursday: Quizizz - Click the link - (or go to and enter the code 373758) Make sure your username is your first and last name.     Here are some tutorials that may be useful if you need help.  45-45-90 [...]

By | 2020-04-08T12:51:23+00:00 April 5th, 2020|Geometry|0 Comments

Increasing Engagement

I remember being frustrated last year at about this time with my geometry students' performance on four questions on their circles test. The test was chronologically ordered in the way the material was presented so I was perplexed when they did poorly on the last section before review. It involved circles in the coordinate plane. Below are [...]

By | 2019-02-07T20:44:38+00:00 April 26th, 2017|Geometry|0 Comments